欧司朗星亮LED调光灯杯 PAR16 5.7W GU10 商照调光灯杯
_ 创新菲涅尔透镜光学设计,避免重影,带来优质的重点照明
_ 较同等亮度等级的卤素灯杯可节能90%以上
_ 可根据您所需的照明氛围实现调光
_ 可在原50W/65W卤素PAR16灯具上一对一实现简易替换
_ 多种色温可选,满足不同的应用环境(2700K / 3000K / 6500K) _ 高光色*性(SDCM<5)
_ 长寿命,低光衰 (25,000H L70B50)
_ 绿色环保、无红外紫外、无铅无汞
欧司朗星亮LED调光灯杯 PAR16 5.7W GU10 商照调光灯杯
•IEC 55015 (Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment)
•IEC 60038 (IEC standard voltages)
•IEC 60061 (Lamp caps and holders)
•IEC 60357 (Tungsten halogen lamps (non vehicle) - Performance specifications)
•IEC 60432 (Incandescent lamps - Safety specifications)
•IEC 60630 (Maximum lamp outlines for incandescent lamps)
•IEC 60968 (Self-ballasted lamps for general lighting services - Safety requirements)
•IEC 60969 (Self-ballasted lamps for general lighting services - Performance requirements)
•EN 61000-2004/108/EC Electromagnetic compatibility
•IEC 61341 (Method of measurement of centre beam intensity and beam angle(s) of reflector lamps)
•EN 61347-1 Lamp controlgear - Safety requirements
•IEC 61547 (Equipment for general lighting purposes - EMC immunity requirements)
•IEC 62560 Self ballasted LED lamps for GL services
•EN 62471 Photobiological safety of lamps
•IEC 62612 (Self-ballasted LED-lamps for general lighting services > 50 V - Performance requirements)
•EN 874/2012 Energy labelling of electrical lamps and luminaires